within bounds|within bound in English

within a permitted area

Use "within bounds|within bound" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "within bounds|within bound" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "within bounds|within bound", or refer to the context using the word "within bounds|within bound" in the English Dictionary.

1. Public spending must be kept within reasonable bounds.

2. Bound·ed, Bound·ing, Bounds 1

3. The king maintained order within the bounds of his realm.

4. Even now he must operate within the bounds set by the Lord.

5. Changes in temperature occur slowly and are constrained within relatively tight bounds.

6. Even so, the variance was within the bounds of acceptable statistical error.

7. A lawyer should represent a client zealously within the bounds of the law.

8. Install Backfire and your soul will be bound within the machine

9. We can also make Amends by living very purposefully within the bounds of our principles

10. The law of chastity helps keep the power of procreation within the bounds of marriage.

11. The goal of successful budgeting is learning to live within the bounds of your discretionary income.

12. Commissariats may only exercise their duties within the bounds of the Constitution of Soviet Democracy and enforce the lawful chain of command which exists within the government

13. The state of being restricted or confined within prescribed bounds: soon tired of the Constraint of military life.

14. Like Ballantyne, Kingston used the different temperaments of his youthful trio to keep their exploits within reasonable bounds.

15. The registration of electors is also usually undertaken within the bounds of the Constituency. Read More on This Topic

16. Soil is bound within Cryptobiotic crusts by organic filaments of cyanobacteria, once called blue-green algae

17. The colony's bound within the gravity well of the black hole, but maintains a stable orbit.

18. Contained: 1 adj gotten under control “the oil spill is Contained ” Synonyms: controlled restrained or managed or kept within certain bounds

19. Because a_n_bounds must be contained within the existing bounds, we are effictively creating an Accessor over a section of the container

20. As we explain below, we find this legislative effort within constitutional bounds even if Congress may not regulate drinking ages directly.

21. Today the contest is held within strict bounds and has become one of the most exotic spectacles in the Imperial calendar.

22. The experimental results indicate that the trans-Azobenzene units are bound strongly within the cavities of 2 whereas the cis-Azobenzene is not bound at all

23. A Concretion is a clearly bound body of rock within generally softer enclosing sediments of the same composition

24. But you sleep softly, little child, Sunk deep in rest within your cheerless home, Only a box, brass-bound.

25. “I was almost like a comet or fiery meteor, without attraction or gravitation to keep me balanced or guide me within reasonable bounds.”